Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Write a blog post and discuss a fan community that you belong to. Describe this fan community, it preoccupations and interests, its obsessions. What are the values and narratives shared by this community? What are the central cultural works that serve as binders and reference points for this community?

Fan community is a mystery to me and I am not sure why people all gather for certain interests. Cosplay is also one thing that I don't understand. I've never been apart of an interest that makes me revolve my time around interacting with other people interested in the same thing. Other than art school. Art school is a fandom community almost. People don't understand why your going to school for art or how your going to make money at it. They also are a little skeptical. You are apart of the I went to "art school" group after.

Although I'm not really apart of a fan community and don't follow anything where I got into a group online, I did follow the tv show House. I watched it from start to finish, but I've never done anything other than look on for information about the show or facts for behind the scenes. So I know very little about the fan community.

I do know of some of the things that fans are interested in though by watching the extras on my DVD. There's a large group of people that are interested in the idea of the main characters being together romantically. Both the female and the male friend are people that they want house to get with. Hugh Laurie/House is the main character and he is friends with a guy named Wilson. They are both doctors and their boss's name is Cuddy. Cuddy and Wilson are the main people that the fans wanted to have sexual relationships with House together. Hugh Laurie was interested in letting that play out but Robert Sean Leonard wasn't ok with it. Im not sure if the writers ever thought about it. House was always teasing Wilson as if he were his lover sometimes and that's probably why people obsessed with it. But the fans did get a little Huddy action. It didn't last long but it ruined the relationship on screen and some fans were enraged by it.

The values were probably do what ever the crap you want. He's rude, smart and witty. That's what people loved about him. The other thing that people loved the idea of was to have Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory have a battle of the wits together. Which would have brought a few randoms together for a bit. I have only seen a few episodes of the Big Bang Theory, but even with only seeing that it would be really fun to see those two go at it.

I do appreciate that there is a place for people to enjoy the same things and gather in an environment that totally gets them. It's also like going to a concert and being with people that love the same band to me. Which is a really fun experience.

In class

Identities are fragile things; you set up a dividing line in your life that can collapse in an instant, that can never be reestablished. You yourself have already come close to the secret so many times, come so close to stumbling into the clandestine global conflict that is my nightly pursuit. In this passage you see the use of a line as many symbolisms. It can be seen as the straight and narrow, which the person didn't follow. A life form and and fragile they are or just how easily they can change. The "can never be reestablished" is also reminiscent towards no matter how hard you try you can never make a line the exact same ever. Once it's there, unless you change it or erase it it won't change. But remaking it will never get the same results. Just this one section really uses a lot of symbolism and the rest of the writing surly has more packed into it.  

The connections that I make are that it has to do with villains and super heroes. It makes me think of comic books and also Megamind. Megamind is all about a villain dating a girl that doesn't know who he "truly" is and then later breaks up with him. So the whole time I was thinking about the way that the villain was just like Megamind and how pompous he was. Also how the character acted to his "work". When the character in the paper was discussing the way he was interchanging the roles of the suites and the reason he was acting funny it made me think of how Megamind also interchanged. The thing though that made more sense with Megamind though was that the story was shown and then you also had the background of what he was thinking.

Since it reminds me so much of an already movie I think that it would be ok as a short or maybe a open mic poetry night. Maybe a short play. I would make the writing less vague because I was, and am, still confused as to what is going on. Throughout the piece I was wondering how long it was and why this person was giving vague back stories to stories I didn't have a clue about. Maybe if there was the other side to the story and then you saw the side of his story. It would be interesting if it was a poetry night though where there was both sides.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Disney Movies

For Disney I picked the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. When I was little I watched the first one in theaters. I love orchestra music and loved the way they made the movie look. Plus having it be the first pirate movie I had ever seen before made it be one of my favorites. I love history and it was awesome to see a movie that was different in another time period.

In junior high I played the pirates of the Caribbean music at a concert and I can still play it from memory on the violin and the mandolin. This movie has stayed with me for a very long time. I've watched a lot of breakdowns and behind the scenes while also studying the extras on the movies. This movie was very well done for it's time period and still holds up pretty well.

Now that I am older I love to see how they broke down the VFX. I always loved to see the behind the scenes on movies before but now that I can see and mostly understand what they are talking about with the VFX. So I love it even more!

The reason as to why I picked this movie also is because of the way that Disney made a movie that was magical and yet scary. It was taking the old ride at Disney Land and making it into the movie. They made a lot of the show in the movie too. Its pretty cool to see them take parts like the dog having the keys and the pirates in the cage whistling at him come to life in the movie.

The other thing that I love about the series is that they creatively tackled so many problems. From underwater acting, piles of crabs, dynamics, creating the dead, recreating time periods and bring back the pirate movies. They did an awesome job!!! I love the break downs and seeing what exactly failed and what worked seeing the process of the movie instead of thing of the movie as just a reproduce of Disney. That's what I normally think when I see Disney movies. They make pretty good movies though. Although the series is getting dragged out I still love to see how they made them and if the new movie is good or not. I've seen them all in the theaters.

Technical Info from the first movie


CGI VFX Breakdown

Acting Below the Surface

She Hulk

My husband is into the comic book scene and loves to share the information that he knows. I have never been a person to read any comic books but it's seems that every time that I have an English course I am made to read some.

I don't know much about the comic book world, but I found it interesting to see the vast difference in the art. The amount of time that the people put into each comic book is interesting. I read the She Hulk and I thought that the art wasn't up to par, but the story was different. I have watched a lot of comic book movies with my husband and I found it interesting to see some of the back story to what the Stark company had gone through. Also the facts that she was part of the Fantastic Four team and also the Avengers was interesting. She gained the powers from a blood transfusion from her cousin, but it also talked about a family member who was also a women who went crazy from the blood of Hulk.

The style of the comic book frames are also interesting to me. Graphic Design is something that important to me and seeing layouts with grids interests me. This is a random grid. I do love that they took the frames at angles and made it seem more rushed. Elongating the hallway on the page also was pretty neat.

One of the things that I thought was interesting also was that comic books are using a variety of love, race, female and male. Which I think is pretty cool. Im not really a person to read anything that has sex scences in them, but I really do appreciate that people are making things that are not so focused on the white picket fence view.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Hipster is a word that if a true hipster were to define it, there wouldn't be any a definition. The word doesn't really exist. The word though is generally used to define a person that doesn't believe in enjoying anything that anyone else is interested in. Be it clothes, ideas, entertainment etc.

The examples I've shown are either illustration wise or graphic design. I think that they are interesting or cool becauseof the variances of the the hipster look. Whether or not from the style of clothing to design. I picked the Hipster font also because it really is a font that branded itself very well. With sass and creativity they really sold that font style.The other reason I chose the graphic design side was because of how much its being used now. There is usually a picture and its muted or they use a simple color pallet. Usually yellow, blue or a blueish purple and then put simple shapes or design on it that is of white color.

I also put on my classmates Motion Design project from Sarasota Film Festival because is is very true to the hipster form of graphic design. The simple white graphics over a black and white background and a pop of color. The other thing that sells it as hipster is the look of handmade. Philip hand drew the cell animation in the piece.

For Motion Design I think that the same rules apply as the graphic design. The animation is simple and the designs seems to be a lot alike. The other principles that are there is the simple ribbon, circles surrounding the lettering and maybe 2 of them one slightly smaller than the other. Another thing that they do to the pictures that are underneath their graphics is to blur it. Also giving it an old look to the photo, graphic or both. VINTAGE.

I love the design of the hipster style because its simple yet gorgeous and I usually don't think that way at all. It can be dorky or sassy and I enjoy the dorky side.

Hipster font

Does branding perfectly with the posters for the font.

Hipsters deny being hipsters.

Usually simple graphics that are white over an image

most likely triangles or squares or and X.

Jesse Bafia & Philip Gleichauf

Animated for SSF

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Reflections Towards A Hundred Thousand Kingdoms

How are our characters connected to the world? 

The main character is connected to the world by the way that she interest in the world, her two souls living in her and also by the interactions towards the other characters. Interactions with the other characters really sets her in the scene. How the writer makes the situations between them really makes me think that they are in this weird world that doesn't make sense at times and also is oriented in mythology. When she makes her country able to trade with the others is when she is connected in the world too. By making her country able to trade with other countries she is making her new world an influence towards her old. Setting her in both and making the viewer knowledgable about her interest in the two. She also is connected by the relationships. With the King (as her grandfather) and the other people in the kingdom as her family. The whole race is a family and the "bloods" are also a social ring that she is in. Having the mark of a full circle and showing that she is a full blooded family member. This whole world has a history that her family, her and even the gods hold. The other thing that makes her apart of the world is that she has the soul of one of their gods in her. Which makes her apart of the history too. Expecially when she has sex with the other god. Just like all the other gods in history. She is interacting with a lot of the characters by conflict and other wise. The conflict really makes her apart of the world because the character feels like it is interacting more with the world that is built around them. When the character gets grabbed and kissed from the god getting stabbed in the heart, it really makes the viewer feel like they were slammed into a new world or view.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Class 02

Conversation is more important than details. Brings people in more.
In environments food, drink and eating are very important. Its of the norm and makes people feel as if it really is a real place.

First engagement for characters in a place is food- usually

Conflict from world situation

Writing on the food in my Land of Oz

During the adventure to Oz we soaked up our nutrients from the camels hide. It wasn't just his sweat that se soaked up it was the nutrients that filtered through the shaggy man's coat of fur. As water bugs we also found nutrients through the previous dead bugs that has both survived the Shaggy Man's odor. His deep thick fur had accumulated enough food source tho last us till we had achieved turning Oz around his fur was also what kept us warm after hours of journeying and food comas. As a micro organism there really weren't any specified times to ear so we just did it whenever we felt like it.

Conversation Over Food

 Look at all this food its just accumulate for so long that we could gorge ourselves till kingdom come.

You think of only whats good for you maybe we need to look past our own personal interests and think about our plan and how to actually achieve breaking down the witch.


The Winkies old town was so dingy from all the dust that there new with had kicked up. The dust could have also been from the dead bodies she churned up as she went across the country killing Winkies and trying to make them become zombies. The people that tried to escape and go to the desert didn't get very far because she sent some of the fury bodies of the dwellers flying into the desert to set fire to the flying carpets that they were fleeing on. The ash was still in the air enough to blanket the smell of the fungus rotten brains of its new inhabitants. The floor was also mushy from the over come Winkies and the ash that moved in with their decaying bodies. Some had survived though but looked as if they were going to die soon. To think that the hard working Winkies were once builders and creators. Now just sad little zombies waiting for death. The  city got hardly any sun because of the tin covering their town. The bugs that were once the countrymen of the Land of Oz was also used for a food source for the Chameleons of death that the new witch had bestowed upon as minions. Her right hand help was Philous the ant eater who sucked up nutrients faster than her queen.

Political Structure

The new wicked witch is the most powerful but the henchman Philous the ant eater is the second in command. Under them are the Chameleons, they are the ones who get the work done but in order to get them place to place they use pigeons. Pigeons aren't too smart but they are useful in directions and not running into walls.

The once dwellers of Oz are weak because they are turned into mush/are dead/zombie bugs.

Wants In Power
Bill wants to be in control and powerful. He would probably take over since Oz was squished in the fiery bug episode.

Who has magic/super powers/ how does it work

The new wicked witch has the super powers of turning everyone into fungus brained bugs. She dispersed the change into the air and when sound reverberations accumulate the poison dispersed.

User effected -Manifestation of power weakens and world
The new witch made the poison by draining her blood till almost death then waiting 7 years to make it into powdered form. The pigeons are then strapped with crates to disperse across the land's. Still the vibrations are needed to make the poison work. Specific reverberations.

Remix- rituale important 

Philous the ant eater wasn't aways a henchman. She was once part of a family that loved sport and adventure. She would go yearly to the biggest ant hill in Oz and see mountains on the way there. Getting there was half of the fun and being with family was the most important part. It wasn't just about getting some sweet ants. These ants were different too. Their nutrients were better for their bodies, but the land only made enough for 1 trip a year. These bugs were also a breed that only lived in the mountains as they were really hardy.