Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Class 02

Conversation is more important than details. Brings people in more.
In environments food, drink and eating are very important. Its of the norm and makes people feel as if it really is a real place.

First engagement for characters in a place is food- usually

Conflict from world situation

Writing on the food in my Land of Oz

During the adventure to Oz we soaked up our nutrients from the camels hide. It wasn't just his sweat that se soaked up it was the nutrients that filtered through the shaggy man's coat of fur. As water bugs we also found nutrients through the previous dead bugs that has both survived the Shaggy Man's odor. His deep thick fur had accumulated enough food source tho last us till we had achieved turning Oz around his fur was also what kept us warm after hours of journeying and food comas. As a micro organism there really weren't any specified times to ear so we just did it whenever we felt like it.

Conversation Over Food

 Look at all this food its just accumulate for so long that we could gorge ourselves till kingdom come.

You think of only whats good for you maybe we need to look past our own personal interests and think about our plan and how to actually achieve breaking down the witch.


The Winkies old town was so dingy from all the dust that there new with had kicked up. The dust could have also been from the dead bodies she churned up as she went across the country killing Winkies and trying to make them become zombies. The people that tried to escape and go to the desert didn't get very far because she sent some of the fury bodies of the dwellers flying into the desert to set fire to the flying carpets that they were fleeing on. The ash was still in the air enough to blanket the smell of the fungus rotten brains of its new inhabitants. The floor was also mushy from the over come Winkies and the ash that moved in with their decaying bodies. Some had survived though but looked as if they were going to die soon. To think that the hard working Winkies were once builders and creators. Now just sad little zombies waiting for death. The  city got hardly any sun because of the tin covering their town. The bugs that were once the countrymen of the Land of Oz was also used for a food source for the Chameleons of death that the new witch had bestowed upon as minions. Her right hand help was Philous the ant eater who sucked up nutrients faster than her queen.

Political Structure

The new wicked witch is the most powerful but the henchman Philous the ant eater is the second in command. Under them are the Chameleons, they are the ones who get the work done but in order to get them place to place they use pigeons. Pigeons aren't too smart but they are useful in directions and not running into walls.

The once dwellers of Oz are weak because they are turned into mush/are dead/zombie bugs.

Wants In Power
Bill wants to be in control and powerful. He would probably take over since Oz was squished in the fiery bug episode.

Who has magic/super powers/ how does it work

The new wicked witch has the super powers of turning everyone into fungus brained bugs. She dispersed the change into the air and when sound reverberations accumulate the poison dispersed.

User effected -Manifestation of power weakens and world
The new witch made the poison by draining her blood till almost death then waiting 7 years to make it into powdered form. The pigeons are then strapped with crates to disperse across the land's. Still the vibrations are needed to make the poison work. Specific reverberations.

Remix- rituale important 

Philous the ant eater wasn't aways a henchman. She was once part of a family that loved sport and adventure. She would go yearly to the biggest ant hill in Oz and see mountains on the way there. Getting there was half of the fun and being with family was the most important part. It wasn't just about getting some sweet ants. These ants were different too. Their nutrients were better for their bodies, but the land only made enough for 1 trip a year. These bugs were also a breed that only lived in the mountains as they were really hardy.

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