Wednesday, April 15, 2015


Write a blog post and discuss a fan community that you belong to. Describe this fan community, it preoccupations and interests, its obsessions. What are the values and narratives shared by this community? What are the central cultural works that serve as binders and reference points for this community?

Fan community is a mystery to me and I am not sure why people all gather for certain interests. Cosplay is also one thing that I don't understand. I've never been apart of an interest that makes me revolve my time around interacting with other people interested in the same thing. Other than art school. Art school is a fandom community almost. People don't understand why your going to school for art or how your going to make money at it. They also are a little skeptical. You are apart of the I went to "art school" group after.

Although I'm not really apart of a fan community and don't follow anything where I got into a group online, I did follow the tv show House. I watched it from start to finish, but I've never done anything other than look on for information about the show or facts for behind the scenes. So I know very little about the fan community.

I do know of some of the things that fans are interested in though by watching the extras on my DVD. There's a large group of people that are interested in the idea of the main characters being together romantically. Both the female and the male friend are people that they want house to get with. Hugh Laurie/House is the main character and he is friends with a guy named Wilson. They are both doctors and their boss's name is Cuddy. Cuddy and Wilson are the main people that the fans wanted to have sexual relationships with House together. Hugh Laurie was interested in letting that play out but Robert Sean Leonard wasn't ok with it. Im not sure if the writers ever thought about it. House was always teasing Wilson as if he were his lover sometimes and that's probably why people obsessed with it. But the fans did get a little Huddy action. It didn't last long but it ruined the relationship on screen and some fans were enraged by it.

The values were probably do what ever the crap you want. He's rude, smart and witty. That's what people loved about him. The other thing that people loved the idea of was to have Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang Theory have a battle of the wits together. Which would have brought a few randoms together for a bit. I have only seen a few episodes of the Big Bang Theory, but even with only seeing that it would be really fun to see those two go at it.

I do appreciate that there is a place for people to enjoy the same things and gather in an environment that totally gets them. It's also like going to a concert and being with people that love the same band to me. Which is a really fun experience.

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